Class: BindingFeature
Annotations (1)
comment "Definition : An entity feature that represent the bound state of a physical entity. A pair of binding features represents a bond.
Rationale: A physical entity in a molecular complex is considered as a new state of an entity as it is structurally and functionally different. Binding features provide facilities for describing these states. Similar to other features, a molecule can have bound and not-bound states.
Usage: Typically, binding features are present in pairs, each describing the binding characteristic for one of the interacting physical entities. One exception is using a binding feature with no paired feature to describe any potential binding. For example, an unbound receptor can be described by using a "not-feature" property with an unpaired binding feature as its value. BindingSiteType and featureLocation allows annotating the binding location.
IntraMolecular property should be set to "true" if the bond links two parts of the same molecule. A pair of binding features are still used where they are owned by the same physical entity.
If the binding is due to the covalent interactions, for example in the case of lipoproteins, CovalentBindingFeature subclass should be used instead of this class." (string)
Superclasses (1)
Disjoints (1)
Usage (6)